Sunday, June 7, 2009

Interview with Positive Impact Magazine

Hey everyone. This past week was a bit of a blur. It started on Sunday with my football camp, and that lasting until Wednesday. It was a great time, the campers seemed to have a great time. It's a blessing to know that I have been able to use some of my resources, skills, and time to help out in needed areas. There were kids from all across Tennessee and from all walks of life - all getting along.

On Thursday, I had a great time being interviews for an upcoming article in Positive Impact Magazine ( I'll let you know when it gets released and also put up a link here so you can read it.

Summer is well under way in the Kinney household! My wife started a vegetable and herb garden, the kids have been swimming almost everyday, and this weekend, my wife and I took our kids to a water park in East Tennessee. We also brought the kids of some friends of ours. We had a blast!

Outside from work at the firehouse, we have a lot planned for the next few months. I look forward to keeping you posted.

Talk to you all later.
